Some Vocab

(We’re migrating this entry from the “Pages” section, located in the tabs at the top of the blog homepage, into its own post.)

Check out these links for a window into the world of slang & jargon in professional wrestling.

• A compact list of essential slang.

• A more comprehensive Glossary Wiki.

To get you started:

Wrestling jargon dictionary

Face: A babyface is a good guy hero.

Heel: A bad guy.

Jobber: A wrestler whose job is to lose.

Job: The act of scheduled losing.

Work: Acting in a realistic way to trick fans into buying into a predetermined outcome.

Angle: An element of a wrestling storyline.

Turn: As in turning good or turning bad (face to heel or heel to face).

Squash: Mismatch to show how dominant a wrestler is.

Sell: The basic skill of acting like a wrestling move hurt you.

Push: When a wrestler gets promoted and martketed.

Promo: An interview, video, or skit which promotes a wrestler.

Booker: The person who creates storylines, angles, gimmicks, and matches.

Heat: 1) Fan reaction (heels get booed, faces get cheered, good moves get reactions). 2) When two people really don’t like each other in real life.

Over: Popularity with fans.

Gimmick: Personae and character of a wrestler.

Kayfabe: The illusion that pro wrestling is not staged.

Spot: A preplanned sequence of moves in a wrestling match.

Shoot: “Real”- can refer to a move, interview, or angle.

Mark: Like a “rube” – someone who is not wise to the inner workings of wrestling.

  • ★★★ Chad Deity ★★★ July 22-August 25, 2012 Company One, Boston